11th City Clinical Hospital
Korgenevskogo str., 4, Minsk, 220108, Belarus
Health Care Institution
11th City Clinical Hospital
Korgenevskogo str., 4, Minsk, 220108, Belarus
International Nurse's Day is dedicated to the birthday of the founder of the nursing movement, the English sister of mercy Florence Nightingale.
In the calendar, May 12 is not far from the date that is significant for our country - Victory Day. This is very symbolic. For feats in wartime, six Belarusian nurses, participants in the Great Patriotic War, were awarded the Florence Nightingale medal.
And in peacetime there is a place for a feat. The events of the beginning of the COVID-infection pandemic have not yet been erased from the memory, when, having overcome our fear, being in front of the unknown, with the words “if not me, then who”, most of us were able to become a single whole and adequately withstand that difficult time.
Dear colleagues, all specialists with secondary medical education! In honor of the professional holiday, please accept good wishes for health and happiness, peace and prosperity, prosperity and stability! Satisfaction from one's own work, warmth and understanding in the family circle, honor and respect among colleagues. May your professional skills, humanity and mercy, sensitive heart and skillful hands always be in demand and appreciated.