
11th City Clinical Hospital

Korgenevskogo str., 4, Minsk, 220108, Belarus

Hot line
+375 17 242-44-53
Help Desk
+375 17 225-88-52
One Help Point Service
+375 17 270-59-51
Paid Services Reception
+375 17 225-88-14
Emergency Reception
+375 17 270-60-09
Scheduled Reception
+375 17 270-59-55
Anonymous Helpline
+375 29 303-86-18
Domestic Violence Number (Family Violence)
8 (801) 100-16-11

Commission on Counteracting Corruption

The commission was created to prevent and prevent corruption in the hospital.

As part of this task, the commission takes effective measures to identify and prevent corruption among hospital employees, as well as to eliminate the consequences of revealed corrupt practices.

To this purpose, the commission:

  • makes proposals to conduct inspections of information received about the commission or preparation for the commission of corruption offenses; gives anti-corruption assessment of violations revealed in the course of such inspections;
  • initiates disciplinary, material and other liability for the perpetrators of corruption-related offences, etc.
  • accumulates information about violations of anti-corruption legislation committed by hospital employees;
  • summarizes and analyzes information received, including from government agencies engaged in combating corruption, about violations of anti-corruption legislation by employees of a health care institution;
  • identifies and monitors corruption risks and measures to neutralize them;
  • analyzes the work of the administration of the institution on compliance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation, making proposals to the chief physician to bring them to disciplinary responsibility;
  • develops and organizes anti-corruption measures in the hospital, and analyzes the effectiveness of the measures taken;
  • develops anti-corruption consciousness, intolerant attitude to corruption, and behavioral skills in corruption-prone situations among the employees;
  • interacting with government agencies engaged in combating corruption, public associations and other organizations on anti-corruption issues, etc.

Memberships of the Anti-Corruption Commission of the 11th City Clinical Hospital:

Chairman Chasnoit Alexey, doctor in chef
Deputy Chairman Yurista Ella,  deputy doctor in chefon medical expertise and rehabilitation
Secretary of the Commission Buyalskaya Elena, Senior nurse in the physical therapy department
Commission members Grusha Vladimir, deputy doctor in cheffor surgery
Gromyko Elena, deputy doctor in cheffor medicine
Naletko Oksana, nurse in chef
Novogran Irina, chief accountant
Shamshurka Elena, Head of the Planning and Economic Department
Yavid Alla, trade union chairman
Ivaschenko Alena, leading legal counsel
Youdchits Larisa, pharmacy manager


Commission on Counteracting Corruption

The commission was created to prevent and prevent corruption in the hospital.

As part of this task, the commission takes effective measures to identify and prevent corruption among hospital employees, as well as to eliminate the consequences of revealed corrupt practices.

To this purpose, the commission:

  • makes proposals to conduct inspections of information received about the commission or preparation for the commission of corruption offenses; gives anti-corruption assessment of violations revealed in the course of such inspections;
  • initiates disciplinary, material and other liability for the perpetrators of corruption-related offences, etc.
  • accumulates information about violations of anti-corruption legislation committed by hospital employees;
  • summarizes and analyzes information received, including from government agencies engaged in combating corruption, about violations of anti-corruption legislation by employees of a health care institution;
  • identifies and monitors corruption risks and measures to neutralize them;
  • analyzes the work of the administration of the institution on compliance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation, making proposals to the chief physician to bring them to disciplinary responsibility;
  • develops and organizes anti-corruption measures in the hospital, and analyzes the effectiveness of the measures taken;
  • develops anti-corruption consciousness, intolerant attitude to corruption, and behavioral skills in corruption-prone situations among the employees;
  • interacting with government agencies engaged in combating corruption, public associations and other organizations on anti-corruption issues, etc.

Memberships of the Anti-Corruption Commission of the 11th City Clinical Hospital:

Chairman Chasnoit Alexey, doctor in chef
Deputy Chairman Yurista Ella,  deputy doctor in chefon medical expertise and rehabilitation
Secretary of the Commission Buyalskaya Elena, Senior nurse in the physical therapy department
Commission members Grusha Vladimir, deputy doctor in cheffor surgery
Gromyko Elena, deputy doctor in cheffor medicine
Naletko Oksana, nurse in chef
Novogran Irina, chief accountant
Shamshurka Elena, Head of the Planning and Economic Department
Yavid Alla, trade union chairman
Ivaschenko Alena, leading legal counsel
Youdchits Larisa, pharmacy manager