
11th City Clinical Hospital

Korgenevskogo str., 4, Minsk, 220108, Belarus

Hot line
+375 17 242-44-53
Help Desk
+375 17 225-88-52
One Help Point Service
+375 17 270-59-51
Paid Services Reception
+375 17 225-88-14
Emergency Reception
+375 17 270-60-09
Scheduled Reception
+375 17 270-59-55
Anonymous Helpline
+375 29 303-86-18
Domestic Violence Number (Family Violence)
8 (801) 100-16-11

Biochemical blood test

Фото Biochemical blood test
Allows you to assess the work of internal organs (liver, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder, etc.), get information about metabolism (metabolism of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates), find out the need for micronutrients.

Before the biochemical analysis of a person's blood, the necessary preparatory steps are performed.

A special tourniquet is put on the arm above the elbow. The place of blood sampling is pre-treated with antiseptic to prevent infection.

A needle is inserted into the vein, and after the ulnar vein is filled with blood, the blood is drawn. If it is impossible to perform blood sampling from the ulnar vein, blood is taken from other veins available for examination and fixation.

The blood is transfused into a test tube and sent with a referral to the biochemical laboratory.


It is obligatory to donate blood on an empty stomach.

In order to obtain reliable results, the following conditions must be observed:

  • At least 8 hours must elapse between the last meal and the collection of blood,
  • Have a light dinner with fatty food intake restricted
  • On the eve of the study (within 24 hours) as far as possible to exclude physical activity (sports training), taking medications (in consultation with the doctor).
  • Intake of alcohol within 24 hours before the study is not allowed.
  • Immediately before the donation of blood 1-2 hours to refrain from smoking, do not drink juice, tea, coffee (especially sugar), you can drink pure still water.
  • exclude physical stress (running, fast stair climbing), emotional excitement. It is recommended to rest and calm down 15 minutes before the blood donation.

If necessary, you can always take a biochemical blood test on a fee basis. You can call 225-88-14 and ask questions about making an appointment for the test and the payment procedure.

Title Cost for Belarus citizens Cost for foreign citizens
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 1,38 3,77
Albumine 1,12 2,44
Alpha-amylase 2,35 5,40
Antistreptolysin-O (ASLO) 1,91 3,60
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 1,49 3,77
Bilirubin 1,94 4,77
Bilirubin Generally 0,56 1,47
Straight bilirubin 0,63 1,54
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (hGTP) 1,61 4,00
Glucose 1,39 4,82
Iron test 1,62 4,37
Potassium, sodium, chlorine (K,Na,Cl) 1,88 4,12
Calcium 1,54 3,66
Creatinine 1,60 3,99
Creatine phosphokinase MB (CPK-MB) 1,43 2,34
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) 2,04 4,43
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 1,39 3,78
Magnesium 1,40 4,60
Microalbumin 1,64 2,55
Uric acid 0,63 1,54
Urea 1,51 3,79
Inorganic phosphorus 1,56 3,24
General protein 1,10 2,42
Rheumatoid factor (RF) 1,30 2,90
C-reactive protein (CRP) 1,32 3,89
Triglycerides 1,47 3,15
Ferritin 2,84 3,75
Low Density LDL Cholesterol 2,41 3,32
HDL High Density Cholesterol 1,10 2,01
General cholesterol 1,35 3,39
Alkaline phosphotase (ALP) 1,94 5,69

Biochemical blood test

Allows you to assess the work of internal organs (liver, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder, etc.), get information about metabolism (metabolism of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates), find out the need for micronutrients.

Before the biochemical analysis of a person's blood, the necessary preparatory steps are performed.

A special tourniquet is put on the arm above the elbow. The place of blood sampling is pre-treated with antiseptic to prevent infection.

A needle is inserted into the vein, and after the ulnar vein is filled with blood, the blood is drawn. If it is impossible to perform blood sampling from the ulnar vein, blood is taken from other veins available for examination and fixation.

The blood is transfused into a test tube and sent with a referral to the biochemical laboratory.


It is obligatory to donate blood on an empty stomach.

In order to obtain reliable results, the following conditions must be observed:

  • At least 8 hours must elapse between the last meal and the collection of blood,
  • Have a light dinner with fatty food intake restricted
  • On the eve of the study (within 24 hours) as far as possible to exclude physical activity (sports training), taking medications (in consultation with the doctor).
  • Intake of alcohol within 24 hours before the study is not allowed.
  • Immediately before the donation of blood 1-2 hours to refrain from smoking, do not drink juice, tea, coffee (especially sugar), you can drink pure still water.
  • exclude physical stress (running, fast stair climbing), emotional excitement. It is recommended to rest and calm down 15 minutes before the blood donation.

If necessary, you can always take a biochemical blood test on a fee basis. You can call 225-88-14 and ask questions about making an appointment for the test and the payment procedure.

Title Cost for Belarus citizens Cost for foreign citizens
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 1,38 3,77
Albumine 1,12 2,44
Alpha-amylase 2,35 5,40
Antistreptolysin-O (ASLO) 1,91 3,60
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 1,49 3,77
Bilirubin 1,94 4,77
Bilirubin Generally 0,56 1,47
Straight bilirubin 0,63 1,54
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (hGTP) 1,61 4,00
Glucose 1,39 4,82
Iron test 1,62 4,37
Potassium, sodium, chlorine (K,Na,Cl) 1,88 4,12
Calcium 1,54 3,66
Creatinine 1,60 3,99
Creatine phosphokinase MB (CPK-MB) 1,43 2,34
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) 2,04 4,43
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 1,39 3,78
Magnesium 1,40 4,60
Microalbumin 1,64 2,55
Uric acid 0,63 1,54
Urea 1,51 3,79
Inorganic phosphorus 1,56 3,24
General protein 1,10 2,42
Rheumatoid factor (RF) 1,30 2,90
C-reactive protein (CRP) 1,32 3,89
Triglycerides 1,47 3,15
Ferritin 2,84 3,75
Low Density LDL Cholesterol 2,41 3,32
HDL High Density Cholesterol 1,10 2,01
General cholesterol 1,35 3,39
Alkaline phosphotase (ALP) 1,94 5,69