
11th City Clinical Hospital

Korgenevskogo str., 4, Minsk, 220108, Belarus

Hot line
+375 17 242-44-53
Help Desk
+375 17 225-88-52
One Help Point Service
+375 17 270-59-51
Paid Services Reception
+375 17 225-88-14
Emergency Reception
+375 17 270-60-09
Scheduled Reception
+375 17 270-59-55
Anonymous Helpline
+375 29 303-86-18
Domestic Violence Number (Family Violence)
8 (801) 100-16-11



The receptionis the first link for every patient who comes to our hospital. Here, first aid is provided to patients, emergency laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out, and minimally invasive surgical interventions are performed.

The department determines the profile and sends for hospitalization for further treatment of the patient.

Highly qualified specialists of the department are ready to help anyone who needs it.

Admission of patients for planned hospitalization is carried out from 08:00 and up to 15:00 on weekdays (planned reception desk).

Emergency medical care will be provided to you around the clock by a general practitioner, a surgeon of the department of purulent surgery, a maxillofacial surgeon.

In the process of providing assistance, all the diagnostic capabilities of the clinic are used. If necessary, doctors-consultants, employees of departments and heads of departments are involved, consultations and diagnostic tests are organized in other hospitals of the city.

The department has a dynamic observation ward for carrying out a set of measures for emergency and emergency care and carrying out treatment and diagnostic measures for patients admitted to the emergency department and patients with an unclear diagnosis who need dynamic observation.

We not only treat, but also love patients.





Head of reception +375 17 225-87-31
Emergency Desk +375 17 225-88-02
Scheduled Desk +375 17 225-87-10

Our Service

Paid consultation with an endocrinologist


The receptionis the first link for every patient who comes to our hospital. Here, first aid is provided to patients, emergency laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out, and minimally invasive surgical interventions are performed.

The department determines the profile and sends for hospitalization for further treatment of the patient.

Highly qualified specialists of the department are ready to help anyone who needs it.

Admission of patients for planned hospitalization is carried out from 08:00 and up to 15:00 on weekdays (planned reception desk).

Emergency medical care will be provided to you around the clock by a general practitioner, a surgeon of the department of purulent surgery, a maxillofacial surgeon.

In the process of providing assistance, all the diagnostic capabilities of the clinic are used. If necessary, doctors-consultants, employees of departments and heads of departments are involved, consultations and diagnostic tests are organized in other hospitals of the city.

The department has a dynamic observation ward for carrying out a set of measures for emergency and emergency care and carrying out treatment and diagnostic measures for patients admitted to the emergency department and patients with an unclear diagnosis who need dynamic observation.

We not only treat, but also love patients.





Head of reception +375 17 225-87-31
Emergency Desk +375 17 225-88-02
Scheduled Desk +375 17 225-87-10

Our Service

Paid consultation with an endocrinologist