
11th City Clinical Hospital

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News and Publications

World Blood Donor Day

Фото World Blood Donor Day
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World Blood Donor Day

  • 6/12/2023
June 14, 2023 is World Blood Donor Day worldwide.

The work of the blood service costs our state 36-37 million dollars annually. Of these, 40% are wages of workers, materials and technologies, the remaining 60% are guarantees and compensations to donors, including compensations for the average daily wage for paid donations, which are provided by blood transfusion organizations. This is a significant burden on the healthcare budget.

The Republic of Belarus in matters of donation is moving in three directions:

  • the first is the creation of stocks of blood components;
  • second, ensuring the safety of donors;
  • the third is the formation of a volunteer community.

The new version of the law on donation of blood and its components is aimed precisely at bringing all directions to the realities of today.

Donors have the right to donate blood, both with reimbursement of expenses associated with the performance of donor functions, and refuse to reimburse these expenses.

The new legislation, at the request of donors, left 14 unpaid days that they have the right to use during the year.

The social package has also been preserved.

Donors who have received at least 20 blood donations, at least 40 donations of blood components, who have refused reimbursement of expenses associated with the performance of their donor function, as well as donors who have received at least 40 blood donations, at least 80 donations of blood components, who have received reimbursement expenses related to the performance of their donor function, are awarded the badge of distinction of the Ministry of Health "Ganarov donar of the Republic of Belarus" in the manner prescribed by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Benefits, rights and guarantees for a donor awarded with the badge of distinction of the Ministry of Health "Ganarov donar of the Republic of Belarus":

  • a 25 percent discount on paid medical services in state healthcare organizations, with the exception of paid medical services, the tariffs for which are regulated by the Ministry of Health (in agreement with the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade);
  • extraordinary medical care in state healthcare organizations, including those in which he was served before retirement, unless otherwise provided by law;
  • unscheduled admission to social service institutions providing stationary social services;
  • priority admission in state bodies and other organizations, regardless of ownership;
  • extraordinary use of all types of communication services, cultural, educational and sports and recreational organizations, the purchase of tickets for all types of transport, extraordinary servicing by retail trade and consumer services organizations;
  • the use of labor leave (vacation granted to military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel) in the summer or other convenient time, as well as the provision during the calendar year of short-term leave without pay (monetary allowance for military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel) lasting up to 14 calendar days during the period agreed with the employer (the head of the paramilitary organization or a person authorized by him, the commander (chief));
  • increase in pension upon reaching the generally established retirement age in accordance with the legislation on pension provision.


Donate blood, donate plasma, share life and do it often!