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After the age of 50, the risk of developing a stroke doubles - a neurologist

Фото After the age of 50, the risk of developing a stroke doubles - a neurologist
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After the age of 50, the risk of developing a stroke doubles - a neurologist

  • 5/31/2023
The older a person gets, the more likely he is to develop a stroke - after 50 years, the chance of a vascular catastrophe increases by 2 times. The head of the neurological department No. 3 (for patients with acute cerebrovascular accident) of the Minsk emergency hospital Inna Gil told this to a correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency.

However, in recent years, unfortunately, there has been a trend towards "rejuvenation" of strokes - not only in Belarus, but throughout the world, - said I. Gil. - In the event of a vascular catastrophe (as a stroke is often called. - Approx. Aut.), half of the patients die before they have lived even a year. And only 10% of people after a stroke can return to their usual way of life, continue working at the same place. Most patients become disabled, who lose the ability even to self-service. As a result - a depressive state, a change in attitude towards them from relatives, desocialization.

According to the expert, in order to prevent the development of such a serious disease, one should try to prevent it. We are talking about primary prevention, which primarily comes down to weight control (it is necessary to bring it back to normal), to give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), to regular physical activity.

You also need to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose.

“For women, it is important to normalize their hormonal levels and treat diseases that contribute to its change,” the neurologist noted. - I'm talking about polycystic ovaries, endometriosis. Hormonal contraceptives should be used strictly under the supervision of a physician, especially for premenopausal women and those who abuse smoking.

If a person has had a stroke, then efforts should be directed towards proper treatment and recovery from the disease.

- It is very important to prevent the development of a repeated vascular accident, - added I. Gil. - Therefore, it is recommended to follow certain rules on nutrition, lifestyle, taking medications.

The author of the materials is Olga Grigoryeva, link to the publication (Minsk-Novosti Agency)

Photo by Yuri Mozolevsky