
11th City Clinical Hospital

Korgenevskogo str., 4, Minsk, 220108, Belarus

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+375 17 242-44-53
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+375 17 225-88-52
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+375 17 270-59-51
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+375 17 225-88-14
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+375 17 270-60-09
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+375 17 270-59-55
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+375 29 303-86-18
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8 (801) 100-16-11
News and Publications

Telegram channel "STOP Drugs! (Belarus)" created

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Telegram channel "STOP Drugs! (Belarus)" created

  • 4/10/2023
The channel "STOP Drugs! (Belarus)" was created in the messenger Telegram in order to prevent crimes in the field of drug trafficking, rapid exchange of information on the prevention of drug abuse among young people.

In the Telegram channel you can find news on the prevention and counteraction to the use and distribution of drugs, including among teenagers, information and comments from law enforcement agencies on operational work in this area, expert advice for parents and teachers. 

To read full info, as well as to subscribe to the channel, please follow this link: https://t.me/stop_drug_by